“To feel, to go and meet the populations, to discover the sites, the historical, medical and technological places of this region, to make your own idea about the geopolitics, on the ground, always with the spirit of coexistance.”
The 5th edition of the Pax Medicalis Study and Meeting Tour to Israel and the Palestinian Territories has been launched. The foreseen dates are from 23 April to 1 May 2023.
The main theme of this trip will be "Friendship", with the presence of a prestigious guest of honour.
This 5th trip will mix medical-scientific meetings, political meetings, and of course tourism with visits to historical and magical places.
He will lead a group of health professionals from around the Mediterranean, friends of Pax Medicalis, as well as elected officials of the Republic.
Moreover, in the continuity of the Abraham Accords, this trip will bring a group of Moroccan doctors to meet Israeli doctors, in order to launch health care cooperation and even twinning of Moroccan, Israeli and Palestinian hospitals.
For further information please write to: infospaxmedicalis@icloud.com.
After having read the conditions,
Reservations should be made as soon as possible to:
the ERETZ agency, for the journey:
David Koїn
+97 2 52 6275005, +972 3 5576032
- PLANITOUR agency, for flights:
Sandrine Sarfati
The report of the previous trips can be consulted on the Pax Medicalis website, and the link to watch the film trailer of the last trip organised by Pax Medicalis:
Read also the editorial by Dr. Guila Clara Kessous
Download the presentation flyer (french)
Offers and conditions (french)
Pax Medicalis www.paxmedicalis.org
President: Dr Michèle Lachovsky
Vice-Presidents: Prof. Samir Hamamah, Prof. Israel Nisand
Secretary-General: Dr Daniel Bensoussan
Deputy Secretary: Sandrine Bennati
Treasurer: Dr Charles Ghenassia
15 avenue Félix Faure 06500 MENTON
Tel: 04 93 28 59 16 / Fax: 04 93 28 08 08 / infospaxmedicalis@icloud.com
*This association of health professionals, of all faiths and nationalities, aims to promote, in their field, meetings of people moved by the same desire for Peace.
Concert de Françoise Atlan - Soirée Musique et Lumière 2017
Concert de musique judeo-arabo-andalouse, donné au Musée Jean Cocteau-Collection Séverin Wunderman à Menton, par Françoise Atlan, dans le cadre de la soirée "Musique et Lumière" organisée par Pax Medicalis, le 19 décembre 2017. Avec : Françoise Atlan, chant Remy Yulzari, contrebasse Nadav Lev, guitare Patrick Goraguer, percussions
L’idée d’un petit groupe de médecins d’inviter à nos réunions des médecins israéliens et palestiniens que le contexte géopolitique ne permettait pas de se connaître, est née en 2002, mais a trouvé sa concrétisation en 2003, à la faveur de la venue à Menton de Daniel Barenboïm dirigeant l’orchestre du West Eastern Divan (ensemble composé de musiciens israéliens, palestiniens, syriens, jordaniens ..) qui outre sa qualité artistique indéniable, représentait un puissant symbole de paix.
Gynécologue et psychosomaticienne
Pédopsychiatre, professeur d'université, praticien hospitalier honoraire et écrivain
Membre du Comité consultatif national d’éthique de 1986 à 1990 et de la Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme.
Archevêque de Monaco
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